But today is the day! Nathan Bransford's Jacob Wonderbar and the Cosmic Space Kapow is out in the world!
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See? See?
For real. As Dr. Frankenstein once said, It's alive.
I had the great privilege of reading an ARC of Jacob Wonderbar, and it has my seal of approval. What's more, it has my kids seal of approval. Well, not the Vampire Infant's, whose tastes are still more feral than literary. The most common response from the elder two, however, was "More! More!"
Also, you can win a copy at the fantabulous blog of Tahereh Mafi! Which is a wonderful place to go, even without free books.
Blast off!
I'm keeping the corndog, though. Yes, insider joke. Read the book.
Just read the first chapter at Nathan's and was much impressed.
Thanks, Bryan!! Very glad (and relieved) the kids approve!
It's so exciting! The blogs are all atwitter.
I see your post came back messed up too.
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