Okay, my wife did most of the work.
We call this artistic masterwork Simon Lucius Sebastian Russell. Artistic adaptability, folks. Seven pounds, eleven ounces. Almost as heavy as my first novel manuscript.
We will return to our regularly scheduled programming shortly.
Congratulations! It appears as though everything came out alright!
...and he's beautiful...with an awesome name.
How beautiful! And his names are beautiful too! Congrats!
What a beautiful sight! Those names are simply lovely, Ink. Congrats to you (and big sister too)!
OOps! And mom too!
Awww, congratulations! What a beautiful little one. Reminds me a bit of own, born just 8 weeks ago. Hope you're getting some sleep!
Seems to me you made him several months ago; he's just finally complete. Nice looking distraction for the next few years. You'll need that adaptability quite often now.
Hello, Simon! Welcome to the writing world!
Congrats, y'all!!!
Thanks, all!
Little Simon didn't fall asleep until 2am... but then he gave us five hours of sleep. Which is four hours more than either of his older (crankier) siblings ever gave us.
He's a good little trooper so far. I'm wondering if I can hold him and do revisions at the same time...
Awwww. That is just the cutest thing I ever saw.
Look at him! You just want to snuggle and cuddle him, but shhhhhhh. Don't wake the baby. Daddy's finally getting 5 minutes of shut eye.
Well, this adorable fellow will probably keep you busy, but I can totally see you bouncing him on your knee while you do a draft.....
Is that ink on his fingers?
Okay, now I KNOW he's your son, Ink.
Super-congratulations on your new arrival, and much happiness to you and your family.
Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. Congratulations!
Congratulations! He's adorable!
The baby is adorable. I was reading through older posts and I see you had to close the bookshop. I really hope things are turning around for you. Keep us posted. (and I'll continue to linger around and see you at Le R's and Nathan's.)
(Had to go to three internet browsers before I found one that would work this morning. Sorry for the weird deleted post.)
Yay! Congrats. He's beautiful!
Congratulations, sir.
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!
Thanks everyone!
And, yes, he's supercute.
I admit to no bias.
Complete with that brand-new-baby smell, I betcha! So sweet! Congrats :)
Congratulations to you and your wife, Bryan. Are you concerned that a baby that beautiful is going to cause jealousy among other members of the no-doubt equally beautiful household?
Thanks, Kimberly.
The elder wee ones have been great so far. My daughter, who is in JK, was going for her first day of school since the baby was born, and she was so excited to tell her friends that she had her parka and boots on half an hour early.
Me: The bus doesn't come for half an hour.
Her: We can just go outside and wait.
(In windchill weather approaching single digits...)
Right now we're just trying to involve the other two in baby stuff while we do it, and then make sure to spend lots of time with them so they don't feel left out. Grandparents have helped too.
God bless Grandma and Nana. :)
Ink! Congraaaaats!
So exciting :) What a cutie!
Congrats!!! I really like the name and he is completely adorable.
Even more so because it won't be me up in the middle of the night with him.ha Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Congratulations, Author-friend Ink! He's gorgeous.
Congratulations, and you will never, ever return to regularly scheduled programming.
Congratulations Ink. Hope you guys cherished your last few days of sleep. :D
Nice work, Ink (and Ink's wife). Congratulations!
Congrats! Gorgeous baby! :-)
Congratulations! And good call on the names, putting the most awesome (and potentially make-fun-of-able) in the middle.
Though the last two nights he actually slept some. Hoping it's a trend. Not that it was for the previous two. I'm well prepared for sleeplessness, anyhow, having been through this twice. Well, as prepared as anyone ever is.
Thanks, everyone!
The third one is both easier-going and full of suprises every step of the way. A sweeping generalization, but it's been true for us.
And the third one's the charmer. :)
I hope Baby Ink keeps his sleeping trend!
Congratulations on becoming a father for the third time! He's beautiful. And yes, it is possible to do revisions while holding a baby, as long as you don't mind having to slow your brain down to give your fingers a chance to keep up. Or - this might work, actually - use a voice recorder, and type in all the changes later.
Your technique with the older ones sounds great; best of luck to you and your family!
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